Nenutil Marek

* 1978, Ostrava Openmindz360 Czech painter

Marek Nenutil (*1978), a person once hauntingly connected with an czech world of streetart and graffiti (1993-2011), but it has always been devoted to painting and various art techniques and expression. He went through a number of art schools, he also visited the painting studio of Prof. Balabán, academic painter.

Illustrated books, magazines,posters, dozens of painted interiors and exteriors throughout with full vizualizations in the Czech Republice, creating designs on shirts, collaborated on several art projects. Today he freely and bravely moves on the limits of the current contemporary figurative painting, object and mixed - media installations.

His works are represented in Czech and foreign collections in the USA, Poland, Germany, Taiwan, Austria, etc.

curator P. Kubesa


Marek Nenutil

Slave to rain

Starting price 15,000 CZK
(598 EUR)
Current price 15,000 CZK

Sale exhibitions