Lukas Helena

Photographer Helena Lukas (* 1950, Prague) considers Prague, New York and Rome to be her home. Images full of color, movement and poetry come from these and many other places. The exhibition will present photographs from the last years of the author's work. Helena Lukas has a photo in her genes and under her skin. She grew up surrounded by photographs of her father, the legendary photographer Jan Lukas. She helped him in the darkroom and compile photo books. She accompanied him on his journey from Czechoslovakia through Italy to the USA. Today, he and his sister manage his extensive estate. However, Helena Lukas' latest work differs from her father's work (although we would certainly find various connections in the background). Her pictures are in color, taken with a digital camera. The author often grinds up to light painting. Elsewhere, he approaches color documentary photography, but always with a strong sense of the art side - in terms of colors and composition. The approach to the photographed subjects is inquisitively feminine, often emotional or nostalgic.


Sale exhibitions

Helena Lukas

Shower Time

Price 3,500 CZK
Price in € (140 EUR)