Estimates / Income to auctions

We buy selected art works

It's easy - choose one of the following options:

  • send an SMS (or WhatsApp) photo of the offered item to the tel. 603 526 288 (usually a photo of the whole work, a photo of the signature and a detailed photo of the reverse side of the item)
  • send an email to, attach photos as above
  • register on our website and then fill in the Form for the free estimate of your art work (we recommend this option, we will handle it preferably),
  • or ask call us, ask for a date and come to our Gallery Pštrossova 23, Pštrossova 198/23, 110 00 Prague 1


  1. we appraise for free those works only that you offer us for sale
  2. the informations communicated by phone or email are informative only
  3. selected art works we may buy for cash

Free Estimate Request Form